species appropriate diet research
Canine Nutrition Guided By Leading Research

Canine Evolutionary Nutritionist
Mark Roberts PhD
My name is Dr Mark Roberts and I work as a canine evolutionary nutritionist. I’m in a unique position, whereby I have a strong academic background, combined with many years developing and formulating pet food for several companies around the world. The goal of this website to share with dog owners, the knowledge I have gained. This will be grounded on a objective science based approach, and published research. The nutritional educational material section will contain this information, both in written and video formats. Ultimately, I want to disentangle the numerous myths and misconceptions around pet food. The end result, being pet owners will be in a better position to make a decision on what it is they want to feed their best friend!
The changing canine nutritional environment
As descendants of wolves, dogs have moved from consuming a diet rich in fat and protein to one dominated by carbohydrate. This change in diet has not been made by dogs themselves, rather mankind’s ability to master and maximise agricultural productivity over time.
28,000 BC – 13,000 BC
Early Wolf-Human Interaction
13,000 BC – 12,000 BC
Appearance of Domesticated Dogs
10.000 BC – 3,000 BC
The Neolithic Period
1550 – 1880
The Agricultural Revolution
1930 – 1960
The Green Revolution
1960 – Today
Commercial Dog Food
The number of dogs now classed as being overweight or obese
The increase witnessed in canine diabetes since 2006
Of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer
Of dogs will develop a skin disorder
Canine Evolutionary Nutritionist
Mark Roberts PhD

“Today, dog owners are bombarded with a seemingly never-ending number of claims of why to fed a certain diet. My goal is to use a scientific approach to examine diets and nutrition collectivetly, and make it less stressful in deciding what to feed the furry member of the family.”
Blogs and videos
The changing canine nutritional environment
The changing canine nutritional environment The linkage between the dog and the...
Does it matter what a dog wants to eat?
Does it matter what a dog wants to eat? A reasonable thought process might be...
So what does a dog want to eat?
So what does a dog want to eat? Having outlined the reasoning behind wanting to...